
UNIVERSITÉ DE BRETAGNE OCCIDENTALE (UNIBRE) is a multidisciplinary teaching and research University located at Brest, France. UNIBRE hosts 1350 individuals and 720 scientists and 20.000 students in every human and scientific field and publishes over 1000 articles annually. In the last 5 years, more than 25 patents from UNIBRE researchers were deposited and 8 spin-off companies were established.

Role in the project: UNIBRE will be leader of WP5 and will take part with a collaborative role into WP1, WP2, WP3, WP4, WP6, WP7 and WP8.

Competencies and experience relevant to the SEAFENNEL4MED Project: The UNIBRE research team includes the following researchers with a vast experience in research projects funded from different sources (national, EU, bilateral): plant physiologists with long experience in cultivation and characterization of halophytes; biochemists, with a deep knowledge of extraction and analytical techniques for the evaluation of bioactive compounds from plants, including halophytes.


  • Prof. Christian Magné
    Prof. Christian Magné Full Professor in Plant Physiology and Biochemistry

    UFR Sciences et Techniques, Université de Bretagne Occidentale
    6 avenue Victor Le Gorgeu, CS 93837, F-29238 Brest Cedex 3, France

    Telephone: +33 298 01 72 25
    Mobile: +33 673 68 62 88


  • Laurence Guenan
    Laurence Guenan Administrative staff
  • Garance Bianchetti
    Garance Bianchetti PhD student
  • Dr. Xavier Dauvergne
    Dr. Xavier Dauvergne Associate Professor in plant ecophysiology and specialist in natural substances
  • Dr Valérie Roussel
    Dr Valérie Roussel Associate Professor in plant population genetics and specialist in biostatistics;
  • Marie-Dominique Jezequel
    Marie-Dominique Jezequel Technician
  • Monique Arzur
    Monique Arzur Technician