RINCI SrL is a micro-sized enterprise located in Castelfidardo (Italy) which proposes top quality gastronomic delicacies, mainly consisting in vegetable preserves. In 2013 Rinci started its own sea fennel plantation (~ 10 ha), and it launched a sea fennel preserve in extra virgin olive oil on the national and EU market. It also produces various sauces without the use of any chemical additives, including an original sea fennel pesto-like sauce.
Role in the project: RINCI will be involved in WP1 (all tasks), WP2 (all tasks), WP4 (tasks 4.2), WP5 (task 5.3), WP6 (all tasks), WP7 (all tasks), and WP8 (all tasks) in a supportive role.
Website Rinci: https://www.rinci.it/
Dr. Luca Galeazzi Food Technologist, Quality Manager
Rossano Cacciatore Food production worker
Dott. Claudia Gonnelli Sales & Marketing Manager