The Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences (D3A), founded in July 2011 is a multidisciplinary department that carries out scientific research, university teaching and contract works in different research areas: agronomy, agricultural engineering and landscape, biochemistry, plant biology and forestry, chemical sciences, tree crops, agricultural genetics, food, industrial, and environmental microbiology, agricultural economic systems, physical sciences, food science and technology, soil sciences, animal production and plant protection.
Role in the project: UNIVPM will coordinate the whole project (WP1, all tasks), will be leader of WP2 (all tasks) and WP8 (all tasks) and will be involved in WP3 (all tasks), WP4 (all tasks), WP5 (all tasks), WP6 (all tasks) and WP7 (all tasks) in a supportive role.
Università Politecnica delle Marche (UNIVPM) – Department of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences (D3A)
Website UNIVPM: https://www.univpm.it
Website UNIVPM D3A: https://www.d3a.univpm.it
Prof. Lucia Aquilanti Full Professor in Agricultural Microbiology
Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences, Università Politecnica delle Marche
via Brecce Bianche 60131, Ancona Italy
email: l.aquilanti@univpm.it
phone: +39 071 2204959
fax: +39 071 2204988
Prof. Deborah Pacetti Full Professor in Food Science and Technology
Prof. Cristiana Garofalo Associate Professor in Agricultural Microbiology
Prof. Massimo Mozzon Associate Professor in Food Technology
Prof. Andrea Osimani Associate Professor in Agricultural Microbiology
Dr. Roberto Orsini Researcher in Agronomy
Prof. Simona Casavecchia Associate Professor in Botany
Prof. Raffaele Zanoli Full Professor in Economics
Dr. Federica Cardinali
Researcher in Agricultural Microbiology
Dr. Vesna Milanović
Researcher in Agricultural Microbiology
Prof. Ester Foppa Pedretti Full professor in Agricultural mechanics
Prof. Daniele Duca Associate professor in Agricultural mechanics